February 2013: The Government of Seychelles has emphasized that, despite the impact of natural disasters, progress has been made in implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Compact through, inter alia, the formulation and implementation of national agriculture plans.

During a visit in February 2013 from a delegation from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Government of Seychelles elaborated on progress and highlighted the implementation of CAADP through finalizing the National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plan (NAIP) as a key achievement. The delegation also heard updates on capacity building in the agricultural sector, as well as efforts to ensure effective participation by farmers and the private sector through continuous dialogue between stakeholders.

In committing to accelerating the implementation of CAADP in the Seychelles, the Government outlined future areas of focus in the sector including improving water drainage and water control systems and reducing business costs for domestic producers. They also stressed the importance of coordination within the sector, as well as with other stakeholders. COMESA pledged technical assistance for continued implementation.

The CAADP Compact was signed in September 2011 by the Government of Seychelles and the agricultural and private sector. It is a national-level agreement and implementation tool designed to help achieve the sustainable long-term development of the agricultural sector.

CAADP is the agricultural programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). It was established in 2003 and endeavors to improve food security, nutrition and incomes in agriculture-based economies. COMESA is mandated to coordinate national and regional level implementation of CAADP. [COMESA Press Release] [Seychelles CAADP Compact] [CAADP Website]