UNFCCC21 February 2013: The UNFCCC Secretariat has invited parties to nominate their National Designated Entities (NDEs) for the development and transfer of technologies. The deadline for sending the name of the organization and contact address or person to the UNFCCC Secretariat is 29 March 2013.

The nomination is a first step towards establishment of a database of NDEs, in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which will be available through the UNFCCC website. Parties are to nominate their NDEs for the development and transfer of technologies pursuant to decision 2/CP.17, annex VII, and decision 4/CP.13, paragraph 8, in order to facilitate the operationalization of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). [Publication: UNFCCC Note, Contains List of Deadlines] [IISD RS Story on the Launch of the CTCN]