ADB27 February 2013: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has announced that is providing nearly US$4.5 million in assistance to the Government of Indonesia to support conservation of threatened forest areas on Borneo.

According to the ADB, the project will provide support to strengthen policies and institutions for improved sustainable forest and biodiversity management, as well as help raise the capacity of government agencies to develop sustainable livelihood opportunities. Pilot schemes, including paying local communities for ecosystem services, will be executed.

The project has set quantitative performance targets, including: a 2 per cent decrease of forest loss by 2016; and a 5 per cent reduction in the incidence of wildlife poaching. The project will also undertake a detailed study of supply chains related to mining, palm oil, rubber and tourism, all of which are expanding and exacting an increasingly adverse toll on forest resources.

The project’s US$4.5 million budget includes over US$2.5 million from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) that the ADB will administer. [ADB Press Release]