6 March 2013: The Momentum for Change Initiative announced a call for applications for the “Momentum for Change: Women for Results” competition. This competition aims to showcase women’s leadership and participation on climate change from around the world with the goal of inspiring decision makers and the public to support immediate, ambitious action on climate change.

The Women for Results competition aims to highlight climate change actions that have achieved impacts on climate change and economic, environmental and social issues on the ground, with the goal of demonstrating the achievability and affordability of action of climate. Additional criteria for the activity include: implementation; innovation or potential for long-term transformational change; and scalability. The application opens on 8 March, International Women’s Day, and closes on 26 April.

The Momentum for Change Initiative has also announced two other upcoming competiations. The “Finance for Climate-friendly Investment” competition aims to highlight successful financial innovations for adaptation and mitigation in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Criteria include: collaboration between the public and private sectors in a developing country; a focus on agriculture, clean energy, green growth or transport; ability to address market barriers or failures; and scalability. This competition opens on 12 April and closes on 31 May.

The competition on “Urban Poor” will showcase activities that simultaneously address climate change and urban livelihoods in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The activities must deliver environmental and social benefits to an identified community. This competition opens on 17 May and closes on 28 June.

The Momentum for Change Advisory Panel will choose selected activities to showcase as part of the 2013 Momentum for Change “lighthouse activities,” which will be featured at a special event at the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19) to the UNFCCC, in Warsaw, Poland. The Rockefeller Foundation funds the Initiative. [Momentum for Change Website] [Women for Results Competition] [Finance for Climate-Friendly Investment] [Urban Poor Competition]