25 March 2013: The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) hosted a meeting of the Reseau des Jeunes pour les Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (REJEFAC), from 3-4 March in Douala, Cameroon to improve youth engagement in the sustainable management of forests.

The meeting adopted the structure, function and action plan (2013-2015) of the REJEFAC, as well as its communication strategy. The meeting also identified key issues among youth concerning sustainable forest management (SFM) and REDD+.

A key outcome of the workshop was a position note by REJEFAC on REDD+ emphasizing the need to consider youth as key partners in REDD+, and the importance of a well-funded international REDD+ mechanism.

The position note also highlighted major obstacles including: the lack of knowledge among youth in the Congo Basin on REDD+; the lack of inclusion of youth in the REDD+ negotiation process and the Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Central (COMIFAC) discussions; the lack of pilot projects on youth participation; and the lack of training on green economy issues. [Publication: Global REJEFAC Retreat] [CBFP Press Release]