FAO9 April 2013: The Forestry section of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released the March edition of its InFO News, highlighting the events that took place on the International Day of Forests and during the third Mediterranean Forest Week.

The newsletter highlights the adoption of the Tlemcen Declaration, which calls for the sustainable development of Mediterranean landscapes, and the launch of the publication ‘State of Mediterranean Forests 2013,’ both of which were featured during the third Mediterranean Forest Week. The newsletter also reports on the European Parliament Intergroup conference on the theme ‘Mediterranean Forest Landscapes.’

In addition to events held in Algeria as part of the third Mediterranean Forest Week and events at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, the newsletter reports on FAO partnership events, including: an awareness raising event in Ghana under the theme ‘protecting the forests: my responsibility;’ a tree-planting event in Egypt; and additional tree planting events in Kenya and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Other events covered include an international workshop on forest landscape restoration in the Republic of Korea and a high-level policy talk on the contribution of forests to sustainability and development organized jointly with the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The March edition also reports on the appointment of FAO as the lead UN agency for the preparations of Expo 2015 to be held in Milan, Italy. [Publication: InFO News No.9] [IISD RS Story on International Day of Forests] [IISD RS Story on State of Mediterranean Forests]