6 March 2013: The Small Island Developing States Community-Based Adaption (SIDS-CBA) Project, funded by Australian Aid (AusAid), was officially launched in Seychelles on 18 January 2013, with the objective to assist vulnerable communities to cope with climate change impacts, affecting particularly the fisheries and agriculture sectors.

SIDS-CBA is implemented by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP). In Seychelles, the project focuses on Praslin, the most affected inhabited island, which is suffering from threatening coastal erosion and increased salinity in agricultural areas.

The project will address these challenges by working with the communities, including with the Baie Ste Anne farmers, and expects to share its learned lessons to inform other community-based adaptation practices across different small islands developing States (SIDS). [SGP Press Release]