UNFCCC17 April 2013: The UNFCCC Secretariat launched a portal, titled “Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) insights,” which features analysis and data on the CDM, such as graphics and related downloadable data for project activities and Programme of Activities (PoAs) under validation, registration, as well as intelligence about the CDM on a monthly basis.

The portal features graphics, statistics, descriptions and downloadable data on CDM validation, registration, certified emission reductions (CERs) issuance, methodologies and designated national authorities (DNAs). Data from previous months can also be accessed.

More specifically, the portal includes a section on the number of CDM project activities and those that have issued CERs, the number of CERs issued, and the potential supply of CERs through the end of: the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (31 December 2012); 2015; 2020; and all current crediting periods. [CDM Insights Website]