Unff16 April 2013: The tenth session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF10) has considered a report on financial and other budgetary matters, which noted a 75 per cent increase in donations to UNFF voluntary trust funds, the highest two-year level ever. Despite this increase, UNFF Director Jan McAlpine called for additional funding to address UNFF staffing needs, as well as its expanded program of work inclusive of the 2015 review of the international arrangement on forests, follow-up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20), preparations regarding the post-2015 development agenda and work as a member of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.

The report noted that, in addition to donor contributions through the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the countries of Austria, China, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States combined to contribute over US$6 million.

With regard to financial allocation, the largest portion, about a third of the total, was dedicated to facilitating financing for sustainable forest management (SFM). Additional large expenses were devoted to outreach and awareness raising and the links between forests and economic development.

The presentation on financial and budget issues noted a critical shortfall in funding for UNFF staff with McAlpine noting, “We have zero money in the Trust Fund for staffing for 2014.” The Director also welcomed timely pledges for 2014 from China and the Russian Federation. [ECOSOC Press Release] [Publication: United Nations trust funds to support the United Nations Forum on Forests] [IISD RS coverage of UNFF10]