ILC17 May 2013: At the Global Land Forum meeting held in Antigua, Guatemala, from 23-27 April 2013, members of the International Land Coalition (ILC) agreed to a series of commitments in the ‘Antigua Declaration’ related to securing tenure for responsible land governance.

The Antigua Declaration advocates for the inclusion of a sustainable development goal on governance of land tenure as well as targets related to secure and equitable land rights in the post-2015 development agenda. It includes commitments related to:

  • Supporting models of development that are based on respect for territorial governance and local food and natural resource management systems;
  • Encouraging socially equitable, and environmentally and economically sustainable strategies for investment in agriculture and natural resource management;
  • Supporting the 2014 International Year of Family Farming;
  • Remaining concerned at the vulnerability of Indigenous Peoples to land grabbing and criminalization of customary forms of resource use;
  • Strengthening women’s land rights and gender justice;
  • Denouncing human rights violations;
  • Recognizing the value of environment and sustainable management of natural resources; and
  • Expressing concern at the lack of transparency and accountability related to decision-making over land.

The ILC expressed it solidarity with the people of Guatemala as the nation heals from its civil war, and committed itself to operationalize the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure and the Africa Land Policy Framework and Guidelines. At the meeting, the members of the ILC also approved a proclamation on people-centered land governance. [Publication: Antigua Declaration] [ILC Press Release on Antigua Declaration] [ILC Press Release on Global Land Forum Meeting]