AfDB22 May 2013: The African Development Bank (AfDB) launched ten additional data platforms in African countries as part of its “Africa Information Highway” initiative, which aims to improve data management and dissemination, including on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Forty countries throughout Africa are now connected to the Open Data Network and the AfDB plans to complete data platforms for the remaining 13 African countries by July 2013.

AfDB initiated the Open Data Platform in response to concerns about access to quality, reliable and timely data needed to manage and monitor development results throughout Africa. The platform includes data on development topics such as climate change, food security and gender equality as well as socio-economic indicators. By providing quality data, the platform aims to support evidence-based decision making, good governance and public accountability. AfDB also hopes that the platform will promote international statistical standards across all African countries.

African countries will use the Open Data Platform to submit data to AfDB and development partners, such as the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the African Union Commission (AUC), the European Union (EU) Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Heath Organization (WHO). Users will then be able to access this data and use it to create and share customized charts, maps, reports, tables and time-series indicators at country and regional levels.

AfDB launched the platform in Burkina Faso, Burundi, the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Gabon, Mali, Madagascar, Niger, Somalia and Sudan. The High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness endorsed the Initiative in 2011. [AfDB Press Release] [Open Data Website]