World Bank21 May 2013: The World Bank has strengthened its Water Partnership Program (WPP) by launching a second phase (Phase II) with a focus on water management and water services, as well as climate change resilience. WPP is a partnership among the World Bank, the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK.

Launched in 2009, WPP has already provided US$11.5 billion in World Bank financing in over 60 countries. With increasing pressure from water scarcity and climate change, Phase II of the WPP expects to invest more in climate adaptation and water management in urban areas, and reinforce the links among water, food and energy. The initial budget for Phase II is US$40 million.

Specifically, the project aims to: start a new multi-year and multi-sectoral focus on strategic deltas, basins and countries; develop specific programmes on disaster risk management and remote sensing; promote synergies on the water-energy nexus; support flagship initiative on the water-energy nexus; and enhance measuring and reporting practices through a new Results Framework.

According to the World Bank, WPP donors support planned Phase II efforts to position water at the center of the post-2015 development agenda. [World Bank Press Release] [WPP Website]