African Union Comission27 May 2013: The Executive Council of the African Union (AU) met to discuss the African Common Position on the post-2015 development agenda, and to decide on the modalities for establishing a Committee of the Heads of State and Government on the Post-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Development Agenda. The Council’s discussions took place during the 21st AU Summit, held from 19-27 May 2013.

The draft common position sets out Africa’s key priorities in five broad areas: structural economic transformation and inclusive growth; innovation; human development; financing and partnerships; and development enablers. Primary concerns to be addressed under structural economic transformation and inclusive growth include: inclusive sustainable growth; agriculture, food security and nutrition; inclusive green growth; industrialization; and value addition. To address human development, the region emphasizes: poverty eradication; education and human capital development; universal and equitable access to quality healthcare; gender equality and women’s development; population dynamics; water resource management; disaster risk reduction; and access to shelter. Enhanced technological capacities has been cited as a priority for innovation, technology transfer and research and development.

The text also emphasizes the need for the full participation of all stakeholders so African countries have an equal stake in determining “how [their] future should evolve post MDGs.”

It is expected that the common position will be presented at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

The AU Executive Council also discussed formation of the Committee of the Heads of State and Government on the Post-2015 MDGs Development Agenda. It agreed to establish the Committee, and appointed Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, as Chair. The Committee will have two representatives from each African region (West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, Northern Africa and Southern Africa), and shall meet on a regular basis. It is tasked with a number of outreach activities with a view to attaining consensus among the regions and advocate for the common position during negotiations. It is also called on to ensure that the African common position is reflected in potential sustainable development goals and provide leadership in translating African priorities into targets. [IISD RS Sources] [AU Press Release]