COMIFAC30 May 2013: The Commission des Forets d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC), in collaboration with the Central Africa Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE), the Government of the United States (US) and other partners, convened a workshop to validate guides on land use planning and management.

The guides discussed addressed: integrated landscape management, protected areas management, conservation, climate change resilience, community based natural resource management and resource extraction.

The workshop concluded that a clear definition of landscapes is required, as is consideration of national comments on the guides. The workshop also called for countries to consider the guides when revising legislation and developing relevant sector plans and strategies.

In order to make best use of the guides, the workshop suggested that they be adopted at the highest political level, and that processes for their integration into national action be developed. Other recommendations call for institutional awareness raising and sub-regional capacity building.

The workshop also called for the engagement of multiple sectors in the implementation of the guides, including mining, agriculture, infrastructure and energy. According to the workshop, this could be achieved through better harmonization among sectors and sector strategies.

The workshop was held the 7 to 8 May 2013 in Douala, Cameroon. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership Press Release] [Publication: Atelier Régional de Validation Technique des Guides de Planification et d’aménagement des Territoires en Afrique Centrale]