UNFCCC31 May 2013: The Executive Board (EB) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concluded its 73rd meeting with, among other things, the approval of standardized baselines for the Southern African region’s electric power grid and for charcoal production in Uganda.

The Board held its 73rd meeting (EB73) from 27-31 May 2013 in Bonn, Germany. Commenting on the approval of the standardized baselines, EB Chair Peer Stiansen highlighted their potential to improve participation in the CDM, due to the “objectivity and simplicity they introduce.” The approved standardized baselines are the “Grid emission factor for the Southern African power pool” and the “Fuel switch, technology switch and methane destruction in the charcoal sector of Uganda.”

In addition to approving the new standardized baselines, the Board also considered issues relating to: further standardization in the demonstration of additionality; revisions to the CDM accreditation standard and procedure; and further revision of the standardized baseline regulatory framework. It outlined further work that should be undertaken on these issues. Other matters addressed by the Board include the registration of new projects, accreditation of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) and issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs). [Publication: Report of the 73rd Meeting of the CDM Executive Board] [UNFCCC Press Release]