World Bank - GEF7 June 2013: The World Bank approved a US$5.86 million grant to the Sustainable Land Management project in Chile, which is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and aims to develop a national framework for sustainable land management (SLM) to combat land degradation, mainstream biodiversity into national policies, and protect forest carbon assets.

According to the World Bank, the project consists of participatory evaluations of land holdings, training and planning exercises, as well as technical support during the implementation of productive and conservation activities. An additional US$58 million in national counterpart funding complements the US$5.8 million grant.

The grant expects to improve 1.7 million hectares of land through landscape management, conservation, and climate change mitigation, while benefiting around 2,000 rural families, including indigenous producers. [World bank Press Release] [World Bank-Chile Sustainable Land Management Project]