UNGA20 June 2013: Informal informal consultations on the further review of the implementation of the UN General Assembly resolution 61/16 on strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) continued on 20 June 2013, at UN Headquarters in New York, US. The consultations provided Member States an opportunity to informally discuss a draft compilation text on the strengthening of the Council.

Proposals for a new organization of ECOSOC’s substantive segments and general session were considered, as were the locations of future meetings. Synchronization of the ECOSOC Financing for Development session with sustainable development activities and meetings with international financial institutions (IFIs) were debated. Other issues discussed were: the responsiveness of the Council to crises and emergencies; its relationship to the high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF); and the harmonization of the agenda of the entire UN system.

Informal informals on 61/16 will continue this week. [IISD RS Story on Strengthening ECOSOC Report] [IISD RS Sources]