CIFORJune 21 2013: As part of its ‘Global Comparative Study on REDD+,’ the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) conducted interviews based on research in four communities in the Brazilian Amazon, to ascertain their perceptions of and recommendations for implementation of REDD+.

Overall, communities emphasized the importance of generating local income and livelihood opportunities through REDD+ including through support for improved production systems and increased investments in infrastructure development. Communities cautioned, however that the establishment of payments for ecosystem services may cause reliance on such income at the expense of investments in other economic development. Concern was also expressed regarding the level of payments and the perceived low value placed on forests.

In order to ensure that REDD+ benefits local communities and is sustainable over the long-term, the interview recommends that local farmers be engaged in REDD+ projects as early as possible in the project cycle. CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) [CIFOR Blog Post] [Global Comparative Study on REDD+]