endhunger4 July 2013: At the ‘High Level Meeting of African and International Leaders on a Renewed Partnership for Unified Approach to End Hunger in Africa,’ global leaders consolidated partnerships between stakeholders in the fight against hunger in Africa, within the context of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

At the meeting, which took place from 29 June-1 July 2013, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, leaders underscored the strong relationships with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) on combating food insecurity, and pledged to use the African Union (AU) as a forum to highlight success, as countries embark on their road maps to increase food security.

The meeting declaration commits countries to mobilize public and private institutions, strengthen inter-sectoral collaboration, increase private sector investment in agricultural development, complement work on productivity with social protection, and guarantee the right of access to land and water resources. In particular, the declaration promotes South-South cooperation, and approaches to link multiple stakeholders.

In the declaration, participants also: resolve to end hunger in Africa by 2025 in line with the process of sustaining the CAADP momentum; undertake to compliment measures for increased agricultural productivity with social protection with attention to nutrition while ensuring environmental sustainability; and request support for the Renewed Partnership from the AU Commission (AUC), FAO and the Lula Institute, with full engagement of Non- State Actors.

The meeting was organized by the AU, the FAO, and the Lula Institute. [FAO Meeting Webpage] [AU End Hunger Website] [AU High-Level Meeting Declaration] [FAO Press Release, 29 June] [FAO Press Release, 1 July]