World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)10 July 2013: The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) announced the publication of a working paper, titled ‘Agroforestry, food and nutritional security,’ which highlights the contribution of agroforestry to food security and the policies required to maintain and enhance this contribution.

The publication notes four links between food security and agroforestry, namely the direct provision of tree foods, increased farm incomes, the supply of cooking fuel, and the provision of ecosystem services that maintain other food sources.

With regard to policy needs, the paper calls for further policies to support agroforestry including reform of tree and land tenure, the establishment or improvement of systems for the provision of agroforestry inputs, and encouragement for additional investments in agroforestry.

The paper also highlights a number of research needs including support for increased yields through tree domestication, and stability in agroforestry food systems.

ICRAF is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) [Publication: Agroforestry, Food and Nutritional Security]