UNDESA9 July 2013: The July issue of the monthly briefing on the world economic situation and prospects of the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) highlights the new US plan to reduce carbon emissions, among other items.

Announced by US President Barack Obama on 25 June 2013, the plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepare for the negative impacts of climate change aims to address clean energy technology, energy efficiency and carbon pollution standards. Specifically, it will increase clean energy technology funding by 30% in 2014, double electricity capacity generated by wind and solar power by 2020, and increase energy efficiency in businesses, homes, factories and transportation. The plan will also establish new carbon pollution standards for new and existing power plants by 2016.

The briefing also describes, inter alia: global financial turmoil, which has had a noticeable effect on developing countries; domestic currency depreciation in developing countries; and domestic vulnerabilities in large emerging economies. [Publication: World Economic Situation and Prospects: Monthly Briefing, Issue 56] [IISD RS Story on US Climate Action Plan]