UNFCCC13 August 2013: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released an informal note on progress by the Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) (ADP.2013.14.InformalNote), as well as the report of the ADP on the first and second parts of its second session, held in Bonn from 29 April-3 May 2013 and from 4-13 June 2013 (FCCC/ADP/2013/2).

The note on progress is divided into two sections on: progress towards bridging the pre-2020 ambition gap and delivering a new agreement by 2015; and accelerating progress.

The report of the ADP on the first and second parts of its second session indicates that the ADP recalled its conclusions at the second part of its first session and agreed on the need to convene at least one session in 2014 in addition to the sessions to be held in conjunction with the sessions of the SBI and the SBSTA as well as the COP and the CMP. The ADP further agreed to return to the need for further sessions during the third part of its second session. Recalling the conclusions of the ADP at the second part of its first session, the ADP invited the incoming Co-Chairs to propose, drawing on submissions by parties and observer organizations, a balanced, focused and more formal mode of work for consideration by the ADP at its meeting to be held in Warsaw, Poland, in November 2013. [Note on Progress] [ADP Report]