GEF11 September 2013: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) convened the second meeting of the negotiations for the sixth replenishment of the GEF, bringing together representatives from 29 donor countries, four non-donor recipient countries, civil society, GEF agencies, Trustee, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), the Evaluation Office and the Secretariat.

The meeting took place in New Delhi, India, on 10-11 September 2013, and addressed: the ‘Overall Performance Studies’ of the GEF, an independent evaluation of the GEF’s operations during previous replenishment periods; Strategic Positioning for the GEF (Elements of Strategic Direction, Differentiated Financing Resource Allocation System, and Private Sector Engagement); and the GEF-6 Programming Directions.

The ‘Draft GEF-6 Policy Recommendations,’ which outline the main reforms emerging from the strategic positioning and programming directions proposed for GEF-6, cover the following aspects: differentiating approaches to financing; adjusting the resource allocation system; strengthening results-based management and the knowledge-management system; enhancing engagement with the private sector; and mainstreaming gender.

The proposed ‘signature programs’ outlined in the Draft GEF-6 programming directions consist of: taking deforestation out of the commodities supply chain; rebuilding global fisheries; sustainable cities – harnessing local action for global commons; fostering sustainability and resilience of production systems in Africa; and a new development path for the amazon basin. In addition, the programming directions stress the importance for sustainable development of jointly tackling the issues of energy, water and food. Therefore, two of the signature programs, namely sustainable cities and fostering sustainability and resilience of production systems in Africa, build on the nexus between these themes for greater impact and efficiency in the overall investments.

The GEF-6 replenishment will seek to fund four years of GEF operations and activities, beginning 1 July 2014 and ending 30 June 2018 (FY15-FY18). [Second Meeting for the Sixth Replenishment (GEF-6) Documents] [GEF-6 Replenishment Participation, Proposed Timetable and Core Replenishment Topics]