European Union 20 September 2013: The European Commission (EC) has released a memo outlining forest resources in Europe and the new EU Forest Strategy. The memo notes forest status and trends, and recalls the importance of forests in Europe.

The memo highlights that Europe contains about 5% of the world’s forests, stressing that because of continuously increasing forest expansion, 42% of Europe’s land area is covered with forests or wooded areas. These forests together provide a variety of forest ecosystem services (FES) including economic benefits (both wood and non-timber forest products), biodiversity conservation, protection from natural disasters and recreation.

With regard to tenure, the memo states that a majority of Europe’s forests are privately owned with most publically owned forests located in the eastern and south-eastern region. It also notes the variety of pressures on forests, including climate change and increased competition for forest resources.

Finally, the memo stresses the importance of sustainable forest management (SFM) and introduces the SFM criteria focusing on the maintenance of forests, forest products and ecosystem services. [Publication: European Commission – MEMO/13/806] [Forest Europe Press Release]