UNDP26 September 2013: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released its 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, ‘Changing with the World,’ which sets out a vision for helping countries eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities and exclusion within one generation.

The plan, discussed with the UNDP Board on 9 September 2013, “signals UNDP’s determination to become more focused, results-driven, effective and efficient,” according to UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. The plan outlines: UNDP’s strategic setting; overarching vision, outcomes and approaches; redesign of its main work areas; revitalization of South-South partnerships and cooperation; and transformation of institutional effectiveness.

UNDP states that a major development task in the coming decades will be to make the most of positive momentum, as evidenced by movements towards democracy, unprecedented participation levels and new knowledge, making it possible to simultaneously pursue economic growth, environmental sustainability and social equity, while putting in place measures to mitigate risk and prevent loss of gains in the event of crises.

The document also highlights UNDP’s strengths: up-to-date intellectual outlook; ability to influence policy and build capacity; long-standing role as a partner working across sectors and with multiple stakeholders; and a large country network and a core coordination function within the UN development system. The Programme’s challenges, meanwhile, are: gaps in skills; diminished speed of action; rising costs; and declining core funding.

To achieve its vision, UNDP will organize its work around seven outcomes, with the aim of supporting national and regional needs and priorities, emphasizing specific population groups, such as those living in poverty or experiencing the greatest inequalities, and aligning results with UN agencies. UNDP plans to focus on three areas: adopting sustainable development pathways; building and strengthening inclusive and effective democratic governance; and building resilience.

UNDP informs that South-South and triangular cooperation will be cornerstones of its work and allow it to act as a knowledge broker in sharing experiences and technologies across regions and countries. To revitalize such partnerships, UNDP aims to strengthen support for system-wide coordination and action, and utilize its country and programmatic resources to facilitate this cooperation.

To improve its institutional effectiveness, UNDP proposes three strategies: higher quality programmes through improved project planning, design, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), underpinned by results-based management; greater organizational openness, agility and adaptability to harness expertise, knowledge and solutions; and improved financial and human resources management that is sustainable within projected resource flows. [UNDP Press Release] [Publication: UNDP Strategic Plan: 2014-2017] [UNDP Administrator Statement to Executive Board]