HLP On30 September 2013: Homi Kharas, Lead Author and Executive Secretary of the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) Secretariat, announced that the HLP Secretariat will cease operations as of 1 October 2013. The Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General will act as the focal point for follow-up activities to the work of the Panel.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon established the HLP in July 2012 to advise on the development agenda beyond 2015. The Panel released a report on recommendations for the visions and shape of a post-2015 agenda in May 2013.

Kharas expressed gratitude “for the tremendous and somewhat unprecedented engagement directed towards the Panel,” saying this “groundswell of energies and expectations” made the work of the HLP possible. Many HLP members and Secretariat staff will continue to engage with the post-2015 process in different roles, he noted.

HLP documents will continue to be hosted on the HLP’s website and the World We Want Platform. [Letter from Homi Kharas] [HLP Website] [World We Want Platform] [IISD RS Story on Launch of Universally Accessible Version of HLP Report]