Mountain Partnership1 October 2013: Released at the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in Erzurum, Turkey, the global report, ‘Mountains: Our Life, Our Future: Progress and Perspectives on Sustainable Mountain Development,’ consolidates ten regional reports on environmental and social issues affecting mountains. The regional reports were prepared for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The publication describes issues in the Andes, the Middle East and North Africa, the Hindu Kush Himalayas, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and the Alps. It underscores the critical ecosystem services provided by mountain systems, as well as the role of cultural and biological diversity. However, it notes that many mountain systems are threatened by climate change, migration, urbanization, food security, conflict, water supply, waste management, energy production and natural hazards.

The report documents key policy recommendations including: develop mountain-specific strategies; build transboundary, upstream/downstream and rural/urban linkages; encourage inclusive governance and institutions; find positive incentives for promoting ecosystem services; balance conservation and development; and develop actions coherent with principles of international cooperation.

The report also describes particular areas for future work related to: sustainable mountain development goals; water resource management; green investments; climate change adaptation; disaster risk management; and regional centers of excellence. [Publication: Mountains: Our Life, Our Future: Progress and Perspectives on Sustainable Mountain Development] [Mountain Partnership Press Release] [IISD RS Coverage of Fourth Global Mountain Partnership Meeting]