UNGA1 October 2013: The Second (Economic and Financial) Committee of the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) held its first meeting on 1 October 2013, electing Abdou Salam Diallo, Permanent Representative of Senegal, as Chair of the Committee. Diallo was nominated by the African States.

Diallo has been Permanent Representative since 2010. Previously, he served with Senegal’s Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Permanent Mission to Ethiopia.

The Second Committee’s meeting followed an announcement by UNGA President John Ashe that the five regional groups of UN Member States agreed that the Second Committee will be chaired for the next five sessions as follows: for GA 69, Western European and other States; for GA 70, Eastern European States; for GA 71, Asia-Pacific States; for GA 72, Eastern European States; and for GA 73, Latin America and Caribbean States.

Ashe said the Committee’s three Vice-Chairs and the Rapporteur will be elected at a later date, as consultations among regional groups require more time. [Webcast] [Biographical Note] [Second Committee Website] [Summary of General Debate Closing]