doga2 October 2013: Academics, NGO representatives and public officials from ten countries in the Middle East, Balkans and Africa attended the International Gathering on Saving Drying Lakes in Burdur, Turkey, to share and exchange knowledge and experience on the reasons and results of drying of lakes, as well as on worldwide action to save and restore them.

The event was organized by Doğa Derneği / Nature Society (BirdLife Turkey) from 17-18 September 2013, in Burdur, Turkey, with the support of MAVA Foundation and Vaillant.

Participants from Armenia, France, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya and Turkey learned about the Saving Burdur Lake Project, and visited this Ramsar site by boat to see the extent of the issue. They also visited pilot agriculture sites in Karakent village where farmers, with the assistance of Doğa Derneği, use advanced water saving methodologies, such as drip irrigation.

Participants debated about the threats facing: Turkana Lake (Kenya); Lake Urmia (Iran); Dead Sea (Jordan-Israel); Aral Lake (Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan); and Koroneia Lake (Greece). Best practices in saving lakes such as Hula Lake (Israel), Sevan Lake (Armenia), Siranguli Wetland (Iran) and Mesopotamian Marshes (Iraq) were also presented.

Participants also discussed future collaboration and decided to establish a network to exchange information and experiences on the issue of drying lakes. The network will be open to activists, academics and public officials from Central Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans. [Ramsar Press Release] [Meeting Presentations] [Birdlife Press Release] [Meeting Website]