UNFCCC4 October 2013: The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concluded its 75th meeting with the adoption of a business plan for the period 2014-2015, setting out the strategic direction for the CDM.

The meeting was held from 30 September – 4 October 2013, in Bonn, Germany, to consider matters relating to the continued operation and efficiency of the CDM. In the business plan, the Board also establishes general goals, supported by specific objectives, to help achieve its vision of enhancing the CDM to continue mitigating climate change and driving sustainable development.

During the meeting, the Board also considered matters relating to: the Board and its support structure; operation of panels and working groups; and accreditation of operational entities. In addition, the Board considered various standards and tools, including: various guidelines relating to the development of standardized baselines for the CDM Programme of Activities (PoA), and for the CDM afforestation and reforestation projects; and new and revised methodologies and tools for large- and small-scale CDM projects. The Board also agreed on its annual report to the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 9), covering the period from 14 September 2012 to 4 October 2013. [Publication: Report of the 75th Meeting of the CDM Executive Board] [CDM Press Release]