UNFCCC10 October 2013: Mandated by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), the Joint Workshops on the Framework for Various Approaches (FVA), Non-Market-Based Approaches (NMA) and the New Market-based Mechanism (NMM) intended to clarify issues and options to be discussed on each of these three work programmes at the November UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland.

The workshops, which took place in Bonn, Germany, from 7-9 October 2013, brought together representatives from 110 countries and 16 observer organizations. Participation to the workshops was supported by various donors, including the Governments of Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, and the UK, as well as the European Commission.

According to the UNFCCC Secretariat, on NMAs, participants analyzed how the contribution of such approaches to achieving the objective of the Convention can be further advanced. On the NMM, elements of the work programme were discussed, as well as the modalities and procedures and the role of the NMM in relation to other mechanisms and approaches under the Convention. On the FVA, participants elaborated options for defining environmental integrity, avoiding double counting and institutional arrangements.

Discussions also addressed possibilities to define the purpose and scope as fundamental elements for the framework in Warsaw. [Joint Workshops Website] [Opening Statement by UNFCCC Executive Secretary] [UNFCCC Press Release]