UNESCO16 October 2013: The first edition of the Water and Sea Workshops brought together participants from diverse backgrounds with an interest in exchanging experiences and improving their practices towards a more responsible management of water and marine resources.

The workshop, which took place on 10 October 2013, in Barcelona, Spain, gathered over 300 local and international actors to reflect on the main issues characterizing current water and marine ecosystem management.

The workshop was the first in a series based on the recognition that the impacts of global warming, urbanization and demographic growth are threatening natural resources and ecosystem services, in a context where international water and ocean governance still needs to be defined. The event brought together representatives from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society, researchers, experts and students. Students presented their research and field projects, discussing their approach with investors and private sector actors that provided advice and expressed interest in supporting their work. A Blue Paper of this first edition meeting is being prepared and will be made available soon.

The thematic Water and Sea Workshops are organized by Planet Workshops for all stakeholders involved in issues related to water resources management, marine ecosystems preservation, and the deployment of the potential of the seas and ocean. The workshops also aim to promote innovative solutions and foster the exchange of good practices and knowledge.

The meeting was organized in collaboration with the Oceanographic Intergovernmental Commission (IOC) and the International Hydrology Programme (IHP) of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as well as other partners, including Nausicaa (French National Centre of the Sea and IOC-UNESCO Center for excellence), Tara Expeditions and the Race For Water Foundation. [Water and Sea Workshop Website] [UNESCO Press Release]