global-forum-on-human-resources13 November 2013: The Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health has adopted a political declaration of renewed commitments in the area of human resources for health (HRH) to support broader implementation of universal health coverage. This year’s Forum focused on the theme ‘Human Resources for Health: Foundation for Universal Health Coverage and the post-2015 development agenda,’ and took place in Recife, Brazil, from 10-13 November 2013.

Organized under the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Health Workforce Alliance, the Forum aimed to develop new HRH commitments and update the global HRH agenda in light of the current health policy discourse, including accelerated progress towards achieving health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), promoting universal health coverage, and identifying post-2015 health development priorities.

The Recife Political Declaration on Human Resources for Health stresses the importance of investing in HRH for attaining universal health care and presents a call to action for workforce development at all levels, in particular at the country level. Leaders commit to support a shared vision among all stakeholders and strengthen health systems and HRH, including through: adopting a system approach towards a sustainable health workforce; enhancing HRH information systems; transformative education systems and continuous education opportunities; strengthened HRH governance; and improved health workforce distribution and retention.

Commitments at the international level include: providing adequate financing for WHO; promoting universal health coverage; capacity building; strengthening health systems; and improved bilateral, sub-regional and regional collaboration. [WHO Press Release] [Recife Political Declaration on Human Resources for Health] [Global Forum Website]