CCAFS15 November 2013: A release from the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Programme (CCAFS) and the Technical Center for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has assembled a collection of experiences with climate-smart agriculture (CSA) to contribute to adaptation and mitigation objectives.

The report presents 16 examples of successful implementation of CSA from developed and developing countries. The chapters focus on the role of CSA on enhancing food production, on promoting resilience and mitigation, on managing climate risks, and on policies and institutions. Examples include the natural regeneration of land in the Sahel, sustainable intensification of rice production in Viet Nam, and herbicide tolerant crops in Canada. Other examples were presented on drought-tolerant maize, and payments for environmental services in China.

On managing climate risks, the report describes the successes of weather-based crop insurance in India, and safety-net programs in Ethiopia. On successful policies and institutions, the report outlines Denmark’s ability to alter its agricultural subsidies, a carbon farming initiative in Australia, and Brazil’s approach to persuading farmers to adopt low-carbon agriculture.

CCAFS is a programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [Publication: Climate-smart agriculture, success stories from farming communities around the world] [CCAFS Press Release]