NGLS23 November 2013: Based on three consultations with civil society, the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) has produced two papers to inform the fifth session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The issue briefs highlight recommendations from civil society members on macroeconomic issues and on energy, topics for discussion at OWG 5.

On macroeconomic issues, the brief summarizes civil society views on inequalities, unemployment, social services international finance, and the environment. It proposes that the post-2015 development agenda “rethink the prevailing economic development paradigm” by aiming for the realization of human rights and well-being within ecological limits, rather than aiming for growth in itself. The paper presents six recommendations for a new development agenda: align macroeconomic and related policies with economic, social, and cultural rights obligations; make decent work and social protection for all a macroeconomic priority; reduce inequalities and promote redistributive measures; reform the international tax architecture; reform the international finance architecture; and reform the trade and investment architecture.

On energy, the brief highlights widespread support among civil society organizations for a specific goal on energy, with ambitious and comprehensive targets. Consultation participants focused on the need to reduce emissions and energy consumption, while following a human-rights-based approach. Specific recommendations include: achieving universal energy access; ensuring clean, safe, and locally-appropriate energy generation; advancing energy efficiency; enabling effective financing for energy; and establishing the role of stakeholders.

The two policy papers and their recommendations were compiled by UN-NGLS based on previously conducted consultations, including the teleconferences that resulted in the September 2013 report ‘Advancing Regional Recommendations on the Post-2015 Agenda.

OWG 5 convenes from 25-27 November 2013, at UN Headquarters in New York, US. [UN-NGLS Press Release] [Policy Brief #1: Recommendations on Macroeconomic Issues] [Policy Brief #2: Recommendations on Energy] [IISD RS Coverage of OWG 5] [IISD RS Story on ‘Advancing Regional Recommendations’ Report]