UNCCD GLOBAL MECHANISM (GM)9 December 2013: In the context of desertification, land degradation and drought leading to migration across West Africa, the Global Mechanism (GM) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have launched a partnership to address land degradation and environmental migration.

The project identifies and counters the interlinkages between the sustainable use of natural resources, socio-economic development and food security, and social stability. The project will invest in areas prone to migration by working on land and water management including through payment for environmental services and remittances.

The geographic focus will be on Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal. The project will explore both the potential benefits and challenges posed by migration. It will also address how remittances may be used to inject new capital that leads to sustainable land management. [GM Project Overview]