UN-REDD ProgrammeDecember 2013: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (UN-REDD) released a policy brief on REDD+ and the tenure of land, forests and other natural resources. The brief highlights the contribution of tenure in identifying stakeholders and facilitating equitable benefit sharing in REDD+.

With regards to the implementation of tenure reform in REDD+ programmes, the brief notes that both long and short-term actions are often required in order to respond to the immediate needs of REDD+ investments while recognizing the significant changes sometimes required to support revised tenure systems.

The brief also notes the importance of recognizing and protecting the tenure rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, including customary use rights. As such, experience with community forestry can, according to the brief, enhance tenure for REDD+. The brief also notes that payment for ecosystem services (PES) mechanisms support flexible tenure for REDD+ however, the brief cautions that including tenure in REDD+ readiness can increase exposure to potential risks. [Publication: Tenure and REDD+ – Developing Enabling Tenure Conditions for REDD+]