worldwaterforum712 December 2013: The World Water Council (WWC) announced the adoption of the Thematic Framework of the 7th World Water Forum by the International Steering Committee, focusing on a water secure future, and highlighting water security, responsible development and sustainability.

The Thematic Framework will provide the basis for the preparatory process for the 7th World Water Forum, which will take place in March 2015, in Daegu-Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea. The Thematic Framework defines two areas, an action goal ‘The Future We Want’ and an action tool ‘Engines for Change.’ Under ‘The Future We Want’ the framework identifies three categories: water security for all; water for development and prosperity; and water for sustainability, harmonizing humans and nature. Under ‘Engines for Change’ one category is defined, constructing feasible implementation mechanisms.

The framework identifies 16 themes under the four categories: enough safe water for all; integrated sanitation for all; adapting to change, managing risk and uncertainty for resilience and disaster preparedness; infrastructure for sustainable water resource management and services; water for food; water for energy; water and cities; green growth, water stewardship and industry; managing and restoring ecosystems for water services and biodiversity; ensuring water quality from ridge to reef; specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM); economics and financing for innovative investments; effective governance, enhanced political decisions, stakeholder participation and technical information; cooperation for reducing conflict and improving transboundary water management; water cultures, justices and equity; and enhancing education and capacity building.

Working groups will be established for each theme to develop sub-themes and manage organization of conference sessions on these issues. Recruitment of working group members will begin at the 2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting, scheduled to take place from 27-28 February 2014, in Daegu-Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea. [WWC Press Release] [7th World Water Forum Thematic Framework]