OECD19 December 2013: The 2013 edition of ‘Environment at a Glance,’ a compilation of key environmental indicators published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), shows that progress has been made in some areas such as air pollution, transport and biodiversity protection, but underlines that more work is required to protect and sustainably use natural resources.

The publication summarizes key environmental indicators in: emissions of greenhouse gases, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and particulates; freshwater use, water pricing and waste water treatment; biological diversity; use of forest and fish resources; municipal, industrial and hazardous waste; and use of material resources.

The report also summarizes relevant trends, including in: energy intensity and energy mix; energy prices and taxes; road traffic, vehicles and networks; road fuel prices; agricultural nutrient balances; and gross domestic product (GDP), population and consumption.

Overall, the publication finds that pressure on the environment continues to grow at a rate below GDP growth, including decreases in the energy and material intensity of GDP growth. [Publication: OECD Environment at a Glance]