UNDP10 December 2013: The UN Development Programme released a series of thematic policy briefs and training modules on climate change and gender for the Asia-Pacific region. The series includes five policy briefs and five training modules, each on: an overview of linkages between gender and climate change; gender and adaptation; gender and disaster risk reduction (DRR); gender and energy; and gender and climate finance. The training modules include quizzes, exercises, case studies and learning tools, such as suggestions for group discussions and activities.

The series aims to build the capacity of policy makers, practitioners, community groups and grassroots organizations to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies and programmes. UNDP argues that taking into account the experiences, knowledge, roles, priorities and skills of women and men can contribute to more efficient, effective and sustainable climate change efforts.

The overview on linkages between gender and climate change highlights four disparities that contribute to discrepancies between women’s and men’s exposure and vulnerability to climate change risks. First, it highlights economic, political and social barriers faced by women, including on earnings and productivity, land ownership and literacy. It then notes challenges faced by women in accessing and influencing decision-making and policy processes. Third, it describes socio-cultural norms that limit women from acquiring the information and skills to avoid or escape disasters or hazards. Finally, it emphasizes that a lack of disaggregated data on gender contributes to underestimation of women’s roles, which results in gender-blind climate change policies and programmes that can increase gender-based vulnerability.

The brief then recommends actions, including: conducting an analysis of women’s and men’s roles in sectors impacted by climate change and their coping strategies; integrating gender perspectives in climate change programming; ensuring mitigation and adaptation efforts address gender inequality and vulnerability and poverty; and incorporating gender perspectives into national and international climate change finance mechanisms and strategies.

UNDP developed the series in partnership with the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA). The series complements a set of policy briefs and training modules designed for Africa. [UNDP Press Release] [Publication: Overview of linkages between gender and climate change]