ITPGR17 January 2014: Titled ‘Enhancing Capacities to Understand and Implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Report of an International Training Workshop,’ and published by Bioversity International, this report documents a training course on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) held in Tsukuba, Japan.

The workshop gathered 15 national focal points from Contracting Parties of the Asian region and other technical staff from countries considering accession to the Treaty. Topics covered include the rationale and meaning of the core provisions of the ITPGR, including the use of its Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA); options for national implementation of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS); options for national protection of farmers’ rights; and mechanisms for raising awareness and building capacity.

The event was oriented towards building best practices and gave participants the opportunity to go through several cases of transfer of plant genetic material. The report provides an overview of the most commonly used options for national implementation of the Treaty’s Multilateral System, as well as options for national protection of farmers’ rights. [ITPGR Press Release][Publication: Enhancing Capacities to Understand and Implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Report of an International Training Workshop, Tsukuba International Convention Center, Japan, 23-25 October 2013]