ICRISAT24 January 2014: As part of the effort to develop climate change adaptation measures that support smallholder farmers in Asia and Africa, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has identified beneficial traits within 40 lines of chickpea germplasm.

The traits selected are suited to improve yield as well as tolerate increases in drought, temperature and salinity. Additional work over the past fourteen years has identified a number of lines demonstrating both climate resilience and resilience to pests and disease. ICRISAT will continue to work with plant breeders to develop new high-yielding and resilient crop varieties. The chickpea work is complemented by ICRISAT Genebank reserach on sorghum, pearl millet, pigeon pea and ground nut.

ICRISAT is a member fo the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [ICRISAT Press Release] [Publication: Mini Core Collection as a Resource to Identify New Sources of Variation]