UNDG31 January 2014: The UN Development Group (UNDG) has issued a ‘People’s Voices Issue Brief’ conveying views on topics for the eighth session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including: oceans and seas; forests and biodiversity; promoting equality, including social equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment; conflict prevention, post-conflict peace-building and promotion of durable peace; and rule of law and governance.

On forests, biodiversity, oceans and seas, the report highlights peoples’ concerns about deforestation, degradation of marine environments, and increasing pressures on natural resources. Respondents emphasized that economic markets are not capable of ensuring environmental sustainability on their own, calling for stronger governance and resource management. The issue brief also details the need for a rights-based approach to ensuring just and sustainable use of resources, particularly highlighting the rights of indigenous peoples.

On inequalities, the global challenges and consequences of inequalities for everyone in society is stressed as a pressing problem. Gender-based discrimination and violence are referred to as governance failures, in which better systems are needed to ensure that women’s rights are not undermined. Changes in legal frameworks, macro-economic policies, and social attitudes are needed, the report states, in order to realize human rights for all. Some respondents argued for stand-alone goals on inequalities and gender empowerment.

On peace, security and governance, the brief stresses that eradicating violence in conflict requires both development and security responses, with effort to increase equality and decrease distinct vulnerabilities. Proposals were made for a stand-alone goal to “reduce violence, promote freedom from fear, and encourage sustainable peace.” Good governance as a key enabler of development and security was highlighted, with emphasis that the post-2015 development agenda must rely on strong institutions for its implementation.

The consultations led by UNDG have reached over 1.6 million people around the world, with a particular goal of including the voices of the poor and marginalized. [Publication: People’s Voices – Issues Brief to the SDG Open Working Group] [IISD RS Story on People’s Voices Brief for OWG 7] [Website for OWG 8] [IISD RS Meeting Coverage]