CMS3 February 2014: The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has invited parties and interested stakeholders to contribute to an initiative targeting the conservation of large mammals in the wider central Asian region.

The Central Asia Initiative stems from Recommendation 9.1 adopted at the 9th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 9) inviting parties to pursue the Central Eurasian Aridland Concerted Action and associated Cooperative Action, which would cover all threatened migratory large mammals of the temperate and cold deserts, semi-deserts, steppes and associated mountains of Central Asia, the Northern Indian sub-continent, Western Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. The Action is meant to include an Action Plan and status reports for all species concerned.

A stakeholder survey is being drafted to develop a Gap Analysis and a Programme of Work for the Central Asia Initiative. Both documents will be discussed at the 18th Meeting of the CMS Scientific Council in July 2014 and at a regional meeting of National Focal Points and experts that is tentatively scheduled for September 2014. The Programme of Work will be put forward for adoption at CMS COP 11 to be held in Ecuador in November 2014. [CMS Notification 2014/006] [UNEP/CMS Recommendation 9.1]