CIF AFDB4 February 2014: The African Development Bank (AfDB) announced US$14.55 million funding for the Ghanaian project ‘Engaging Local Communities in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) /Enhancement of Carbon Stocks,’ which benefits from the support from the Climate Investment Funds’ (CIF) Forest Investment Program (FIP).

The project aims to support REDD+ in the Western and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana. It will restore degraded forests, promote climate-smart agroforestry and cocoa production, and establish woodlots for charcoal production.

The project targets the participation of local communities in REDD+. Supported activities will include capacity building, the provision of seeds and equipment, and financial incentives for agroforestry, forestry and alternative livelihoods.

Overall, the project intends to deliver direct benefits for 12,000 people with an additional 175,000 people benefiting indirectly from project activities. The project will be implemented between 2014 and 2018, and will pilot a jurisdictional approach to regional REDD+ in Ghana. [AfDB Press Release] [Publication: Ghana Enhancing Local Communities in REDD+ / Enhancement of Carbon Stocks]