UNFCCC21 February 2014: The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has approved its 2014 workplan, as well as the 2014 workplans of the CDM Accreditation Panel, Methodology (Meth) Panel, Small-Scale (SSC) Working Group, Afforestation and Reforestation Working Group, and Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) Working Group.

The Board held its 77th meeting (EB77) from 17-21 February 2014, in Bonn, Germany, and elected Hugh Sealy (Barbados) and Lambert Schneider (Germany) as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board, respectively, until the first meeting of the Board in 2015. The approved 2014 workplan contains information on the work planned for each meeting of the Board in 2014.

In addition, the Board considered issues relating to: the accreditation of operational entities; the CDM Programme of Activities (PoAs); registration of project activities; issuance of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs); and standards and tools for CDM projects and PoAs. [CDM EB77 Website] [CDM Press Release, 17 February 2014] [CDM Press Release, 21 February 2014]