ggbp4 March 2014: The Green Growth Best Practice (GGBP) initiative released a ‘Synthesis of Key Findings,’ a global assessment of best practice in green growth planning and implementation. The report outlines actions that enable successful green growth policies, with a focus on policies that simultaneously address climate protection and resilience and economic and social development. GGBP is run by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with support from other funders and partners.

The report presents analysis from 60 government programmes from around the world that demonstrate green growth’s contribution to the achievement of a green economy and sustainable development. It emphasizes that dynamic shifts from the status quo are necessary to transition to green growth strategies that lead to transformative change.

The report proposes an integrated, iterative approach based on nine key actions: using well-designed planning and coordination processes; establishing clear visions, baselines and targets; carrying out analysis and communication on green growth benefits; prioritizing options and developing credible pathways toward targets; designing policies to address multiple goals and respond to market failures; designing public finance instruments to mobilize private investment and overcome barriers; tapping the power of public-private collaboration; pursuing mutually reinforcing action across government levels; and building and maintaining monitoring and evaluation systems.

The report includes examples of countries that have adopted green growth strategies, including Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Germany, Mexico and the Republic of Korea. Its recommendations offer guidance for national and sub-national policy planning on the post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The synthesis was launched during the First Global Conference on Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The full report will be launched in June 2014, and will include an online ‘living handbook.’

GGBP is a global network that identifies and shares best practices of green growth planning and implementation from around the world. [GGBP Press Release] [Publication: Synthesis of Key Findings] [IISD RS Story on PAGE]