wsscc9 March 2014: The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) jointly sponsored a one-day event on ‘Inspiring Change to Promote Women’s Rights and Dignity.’ The event aimed to motivate the UN community, governments and the private sector to take action to ensure all women’s rights, including access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

During the meeting, representatives from India, Nepal and Senegal shared their experiences of fighting to improve women’s rights in their countries, underscoring the linkages among human rights and WASH access. For example, activists shared experiences on reducing female circumcision in Senegal, raising awareness of lesbian and transgender issues in Nepal and working for the dignity of sex workers in India.

The event also examined current WASH policy and practice and challenges to women’s empowerment and vulnerable groups. The event took place at UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 7 March, in honor of International Women’s Day, and brought together approximately 70 participants representing health, sanitation and rights groups. WSSCC intends to publish a summary report. [WSSCC Press Release]