UNECA AU30 March 2014: African ministers discussed the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063 and emphasized the importance of inclusive, transformative development throughout the region, at back-to-back meetings in Abuja, Nigeria.

The 15th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM 15) of UN agencies and organizations working in Africa in support of the AU and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) took place on 28-30 March 2014, under the theme ‘UN support for Africa’s integration in the context of the AU’s Agenda 2063.’ Four panel discussions took place on: Africa’s integration; peace and security; resilience and social development; and infrastructure and trade.

Speaking at the meeting, Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, described the RCM as an important mechanism for coordinating African regional preparations, such as on the post-2015 development agenda, and for enabling the UN to understand and support African priorities. He said the African Development Goals set out in the Common African Position “should be used as a stepping stone for coherent engagement in the post-2015 process.” He recommended underpinning Agenda 2063 with “major investments in human development, science, technology and infrastructure” as well as effective governance and peace and security.

RCM 15 also considered: a progress report on the RCM’s activities; the second triennial review of the AU’s Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme, the Regional Development Cooperation Framework, including resource mobilization; and building synergy between the RCM and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Africa Working Group.

The Seventh Joint Annual Meeting of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance convened on 29-30 March 2014, under the theme, ‘Industrialization for inclusive and transformative development of Africa.’ Ministers emphasized the importance of raising productivity and increasing employment in the agricultural, manufacturing and modern services sectors, including through local innovation, upgrading local skills, reviving development banking and technology transfer. Ministers also endorsed UNECA’s continent-wide initiative on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Speaking at the meeting, Eliasson highlighted the role of ministers of finance, planning and economic development in defining and implementing the post-2015 agenda. He emphasized that through “low-carbon and resilient industrialization, particularly in the energy and agriculture sectors, the continent can leap-frog to a sustainable future” and create opportunities for growth and employment.

In a progress report to the meeting, the High-level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa summarized the panel’s findings. In addition, the AU and UNECA launched the Economic Report on Africa 2014, ‘Dynamic Industrial Policy in Africa: Innovative Institutions, Effective Processes and Flexible Mechanisms,’ which focuses on how to enhance industrialization and structural transformation. [DSG Statement to RCM] [RCM 15 Website] [RCM 15 Agenda] [RCM Programme of Work] [UNECA Press Release] [DSG Statement to Joint Meeting] [UNECA Press Release on Illicit Financial Flows] [Dynamic Industrial Policy in Africa]