icpd4 April 2014: The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) held a high-level interactive debate on ‘The International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014 and Human Progress and Sustainability’ to inaugurate the 47th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD). The main themes of the debate were human rights and dignity, good health and freedom of mobility to a sustainable world. The debate took place on 4 April 2014; CPD 47 is convening from 7-11 April 2014, in New York, US.

Nova Riyanti Yusuf, Member of the Indonesian Parliament, said governments need to ensure that youth are and will be at the heart of development, as they are the most valuable capital for development. She pointed out that 73 million youth are currently unemployed, seriously hampering development. She also stressed the need to invest in rural development – as the majority of youth live in rural areas in developing countries – and in universal health coverage for youth, explaining that poverty and lack of opportunities lead to emotional problems that perpetuate structural poverty.

Toshiko Abe, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan, underlined that empowering the aging population is essential to empowering youth, as the responsibility to support the aging will fall on the young. By 2050, he said, 64 countries will face the same situation as Japan, where more than 30% of the population is older than 65. In this regard, Japan currently invests US$3 billion in three policy priorities: women empowerment, healthcare, and women’s protection and participation in society.

Dame Carol Kidu, Member of the ICPD High Level Task Force, pointed out that ICPD is still an unfinished agenda, and a not all-inclusive agenda because some sectors of the civil society remain invisible, and civil society is still not granted access to the most important levels of the decision making processes. NGOs must deliver services without having the necessary material means, which has serious negatives effects on sustainable development, she added.

Speakers also included President Anote Tong of Kiribati, former President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique, former President Tarja Halonen of Finland, Eleonora Menicucci, Minister in the Special Secretariat for Women’s Affairs of Brazil, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, and Asma Khader, Secretary-General of the National Commission for Women and General Coordinator of the Sisterhood is Global Institute in Jordan. [Meeting Webcast Part I] [Meeting Webcast Part II] [UN Press Release][IISD RS Sources]